Legs legs legs


So yesterday, my gym buddy and I trained LEGS!
We both have different goals; hers is to lose weight and mine is to get stronger and leaner, however we both work together and make a great team πŸ™‚
Having a gym buddy is honestly priceless when you want to achieve long term goals.

We did squats, then did some circuit training
8 x heavy deadlifts
30 x jump squats
20 x step ups on bench
And repeated this 3 times

We then did leg press (150kg for me//maxed out first machine :D)
Calf raises
Then 30 seconds on and off on the stair machine for 6 minutes.


Enjoy your weekend, train hard !

What not to say

Just a quick reflection/summary of my thought process atm after todays events.

*Don’t mention to a girl the fact that her breasts are getting smaller if she’s been working out a lot.
Now, I know this seems like it wouldn’t be that big of a problem but I’ve had it happen to me and it certainly stings a bit. I go to gym to train, lift heavy, and improve myself in every sense possible. Just because I choose muscle as my first priority, it doesn’t mean I don’t get a little dissapointed when my womanly chest features decrease in size.
It happens, for some it happens more dramatically than others, and unfortunately we don’t have any choice in it!

Just don’t say it. It doesn’t need to be said; if they’re getting smaller don’t you think she’d have noticed it herself already without your remarks?


Never thought it would happen to me, but I found myself in a rut. Holidays, easter, anzac day.. Etc. all resulted in less gym more chocolate.
Got my shit together this week, can’t wait to smash some goals!

This season’s goals!

Bicep curl:
current: 10kg dumbells for 5-6 reps.
goal: 14kg for 1-2 reps.

Squat clean and jerk:
current: 40kg (including bar) for 3-4 singles (30 sec rests between)
Goal: 50kg ^

Deltoid press: (Dumbells)
current: 12kg dumbells for 6-8 reps
goal: 16kg for 6-8 reps

Leg press:
current: 140kg for 8-10 reps (not including whatever machine weighs)
goal: 160kg for 8-10

These are the goals so far, I’m sure there will be more, and unexpected ones achieved on the journey!
Wish me luck πŸ˜‰

Bulking and Hulking

After a very busy few weeks I have finally found the time to make a post.
I want to post more frequently and share with my followers my new journey: IT’S BULK SEASON!

For me, this bulk season is about reaching new goals in weightlifting and gaining muscle mass.
(My next post will be my goals stay tuned)

To kick off my new food regime, I DID count calories and macros to get a feel for how much, how frequently, and what I should be eating.
I don’t count calories everyday, only when changing up my diet so I get a feel for it then after that I stick to my own thing.

I have my creatine which I take immediately before or after my workouts, and most workout’s consist of weight training (however one day per week I do stairs training – essentially running up and down stairs with intervals adding in other exercises with a 5kg weight vest on).

note:Bulking means you are probably going to put on a little bit of fat HOWEVER it is no excuse to pig out and put on a ton of weight!! πŸ™‚


Wow, picked this up for just $40 from AAA Supplements (first time shopping there), took almost a scoop as I went to gym and MY GOD! Flavour 10/10 effectiveness 10/10. The tingles from
The beta alanine were unreal and the energy I got from it was amazing.
Shattered I didn’t get this sooner!

Today was legs and core, increased my max leg press to 130kg, 5 sets of 8-10.

Legs have never been my strong point, so 130kg mighn’t sound like a LOT to you but it’s the only compound leg exercise I can focus on increasing the weight due to lower back conditions that make squats, deadlifts, lunges and various cable/leg exercises painful.

Goodnight followers πŸ™‚



So today I worked shoulders and back! I have been so restrained lately since I have hurt my left shoulder.. Not sure what’s wrong with it but I’ve been laying off everything that hurts when I do it. Example; dips, bench pressing, and any shoulder work.

It’s feeling a bit better hence why I worked shoulders tonight. I felt no pain doing higher reps lower weight. I normally avoid this but what choice did I have!? (Ps. I may have tried pushing it a bit with the weight…)

-Side lateral raises x 12-15 (5kg)
-Lat pull down x 10 (24kg)
I repeat this till it BURNT real bad (maybe 6-7 times, with no rest except for walking to and from lat machine)

-1 arm bent over dumbell row (on bench) x 10 ea. arm (12 kg)
-Side lateral raises x 8 (8kg)
Repeat about 4 – 5 times

– Bent over barbell row, close grip x 12
– bent over barbell row, palms away x 12
-bent over barbell row, wide grip x 10

– dumbell shoulder press behind head x 10 (12.5kg)
– 1 arm row on row machine x 10 each arm (9kg)
Repeat x 3

-Straight arm cable pull down (works tris too) x 8-10 (13kg)
4 sets

– lat pull down close grip x 10 (33kg)
2 sets
– lat pull down wide grip x 10 (26 kg)
– lat pull down close grip x 15 (26 kg)
– lat pull down wide grip x 15 (26 kg)

I did 10 mins of core work!!

This was a really messy workout but it was cool to try something different!